Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What's wrong?

Question 1:

Find the unknown angle x.

Answer = 120 degrees


Unknown said...

180-131=49 degrees(angles on a st.line)
360-49-75-77-60=99 degrees(angle x)
The sum of exterior angles should be 360 degrees.If 120 degrees is added to the sum of (75+49+77+60),the answer will be more than 360 degrees.


xi min said...

180 degrees-131 degrees= 49 degrees. (angle S)
All exterior angles add up to 360 degrees.
x= 360 degrees-49 degrees-75 degrees-77 degrees-60 degrees
x= 99 degrees
If x is 120 degrees it's wrong cause it will be more than 360 degrees.

Qinlin Ryanne said...

180º-131º=49º( angles on a str. line)
=99º(all exterior angles add up to 360º)
since x is 99º, how can the answer be 120º?
the answer for the question is wrong.

Jinming((: said...

all exterior angles add up to 360degrees.

angle S = 180-131
= 49

< x = 360- 49 - 75 - 77- 60
= 99

if angle x is equals to 120 ,
the total sum of the ext . angles will be more than 360 .

it breaks the rule of maths !!

HUIQING! said...

Ext Angles of S
=180 ° - 131 °

All ext. angles of a polygon is 360°

49° + 75° + 77° + 60° = 261°

If the answer of Angle x is 120°, the sum of all exterior angles will not be 360° which is wrong!

So, the wrong thing is the answer. The answer is not 120°

360° - 261 ° = 102°

The answer should be 102° instead of 120°!

Rui Wen XD said...

angles on a st.line
sum of exterior angles=360º
360º-49º-75º-77º-60º=99º=angle x
the answer should be 99º and not 120º thus the answer is wrong!!!

Vivian Sim Ying Hui said...

ext. angle S= 180-131
= 49 degrees
Sum of all ext. angle=360 degrees
Therefore angle X = 360-49-60-75-77
=99 degree instead
of the 120 degree
If angle X is 120 degrees, the total sum of ext. angle would be more than 360 degree isn't it!?

Anonymous said...
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vIViaN LEe said...

The ans. is wrong, it should be 99 degrees!
Exterior angle at S= 180*-131*
(Angles on a st. line)
All exterior angles add up to 360*
In order to find x, we have to add up all the rest of the exterior angles and subtract the amount by 360*.
In this case, 120* is surely the wrong answer, cause if 120* is added to 75*+49*+77*+60*, the ans. is still not 360*

Anonymous said...

All exterior angles will add up to 360 degrees.

How to find angle S?
180 degrees - 131 degrees = 49 degrees.

Now we add up ALL the exterior angles we know. So far, we know 4 exterior angles, excluding angle X. So how to find angle X? (Rememeber: All exterior angles add up to 36o degrees :D)

75+77+60+49= 261 degrees.
All the known exterior angles add up to 261 degrees. Then how to find angle X? (And again, all exterior angles WILL add up to 360 degrees)

So we present to you angle X:
360-261= 99 degrees.

Thus the answer should be 99 degrees, not 120 degrees :D

Puay Shan
1 Diligence

nicole anne said...

the answer is wrong.because all exterior angles will add up to 360 degrees.but if you add up 75+77+49+60+120 you will get more than 360 degrees thus the answer is wrong.

Samanthaaa(: said...


the answer is TOTALLY WRONG.

how to solve?

all exterior angles add up to 360 degrees correct?

the only exterior angle that hasn't been found is angle S and angle x[we're supposed to find this angle.].

angle S = 180-131
= 49 degrees.

angle x = 360-(49+60+75+77)
= 99 degrees.


see my point?
its breaking the law of ARIMETHICS.

if the angle x REALLY IS 120 degrees,
then when we add all the exterior angles up;

120+49+75+77+60 = 381 degrees.
it has exceeded 360 degrees with an extra 21 degrees [LOLS],so its wrong,
the final answer is wrong.

1 dilligence said...

exterior angle of angle TSR
= 180º-131º
=49º [angles on a st. line]

The sum of all the exterior angles of a regular polygon adds up to 360º.

angle x = 360º-(75º+77º+60º+49º)
= 360º-261º
= 99º

Thus, i conclude that the answer is 99º and not 120º, based on the reason that the sum of the exterior angles would be more than 360º, as seen by,

angle x = 120º

sum of exterior angles = 75º+77º+60º+49º+120º
= 381º

The answer is more than 360º, which is the sum of the evterior angles of a regular polygon.

Thus, I can conclude that the answer of 120º is wrong. Instead, the correct answer is 99º.


*** Dear Mr Lim, I am posting as my class's HMT blog account because i do not have a blog account. Please take note!(:

silentwriter said...

firstly, 180-131=49(angles on a st. line)
360-(77+75+49+60)= 99
not 120 degrees, if it is 120 the sum of exterior angles will equal to more than 360 degrees

ethel said...

Find all the exterior angle first
180-131=49 (angle s)
answer is 99
sum of exterior angles =360 degrees
If x=120, the total amount would be more than 360,which is wrong.

ingrid said...


Firstly, find the exterior angle of..erm... ?
>< Anyway,
180-131= 49
Then, take,
This should be the actual angle of x.
Because if angle x was 120, and 120 was added to the sum of (75+77+60+49), the amount would be more than 360, which would be wrong, because all exterior angles add up to 360.

This is Ingrid, once again. =)